Entering wages for salaried employees

A salaried employee receives the same pay regardless of how many hours are worked. So it is usually not necessary to provide the number of hours worked.

Important! When a salaried employee is subject to a local payroll tax, enter the hours worked and the local tax district number on the Timecard tab.

To enter wages for a salaried employee:

  1. Open 5-2-2 Payroll Records.
  2. In the Employee text box, enter the employee number.
  3. In the Period Start text box, enter the date when the payroll period begins.
  4. In the Period End text box, enter the date when the payroll period ends.
  5. In the Check Date text box, enter the date when the check is to be issued.
  6. In the Check# text box, type 0000.
  7. When you print the check, Sage 100 Contractor assigns the check number to the record.
  8. If you have already issued the check, enter the check number in the Check# text box.
  9. In the Payroll Type list, click 1-Regular.
  10. In the Quarter text box, enter the payroll quarter.
  11. In the State text box, enter the tax state.
  12. In the Salary text box, enter the salary.
  13. Click File > Save.

Tip: You can job cost payroll for salaried employees.